What benefits are there for the police authorities joining the VIGILANT project now?

Watch the third video in our #GettoknowVIGILANT series, where we discuss the unique features of the VIGILANT Project. This episode highlights the benefits for police authorities considering joining the project.

Brendan Spillane, our Principal Investigator, outlines the advantages of early participation in VIGILANT. With funding from the European Union, the project aims to develop tools and technologies through a common European platform. Participating police authorities gain extensive access to project information, including demonstrations of tools and technologies, and have input in platform design. Spillane emphasizes transparency, noting that police authorities can assess the project's offerings and decide whether to adopt the platform based on their needs. Currently, four police authorities contribute valuable insights on disinformation campaigns in their respective countries, shaping the platform to meet diverse needs. By joining the Community of Early Adopters, police authorities can influence platform design to better address local and regional disinformation challenges, ensuring adaptability to varied scenarios across Europe.

Watch the full video below.