General Assembly meeting in Bratislava, September 2023

The VIGILANT project consortium has met in person for the second time, convening in the picturesque capital of Slovakia, Bratislava.

The September heat did not discourage us from organising two intensive days of workshops, meetings, and presentations brimmed with innovative ideas, approaches, and engaging discussions. We are proud to report that this collaborative gathering enabled us to significantly advance the development of our technology prototypes, as they are being customised specifically to address the needs of the police authorities within the consortium.

While the technological advancements are at the forefront of our efforts, we are also dedicated to enriching the academic and expert community with the findings and developments accompanying the progress. Our contributions will span papers presented at world-class conferences and published in esteemed journals. Notably, many are co-authored by various experts and researchers from the consortium, which underscores the project's intrinsic value in fostering new partnerships and even friendships that will last well beyond the project's duration.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress. If you are interested in collaboration or have questions, do not hesitate to reach out via the "Work with Us" section on our website.