Mossos d'Esquadra presents VIGILANT during ACCIÓ Information Days

VIGILANT consortium member and the Catalan Police Authority, Mossos d'Esquadra, raises awareness of the VIGILANT project during ACCIÓ (Catalonian Trade and Investment Agency) Information Days.

One of the partners in the VIGILANT project, Mossos d'Esquadra, recently played a vital role in raising awareness about the project among the public during its information days. The presentation by its members shed a light on Mossos d'Esquadra's crucial role in the project and VIGILANT's overarching objective – help police authorities analyse and detect disinformation leading to criminal activities, including hate speech, extremist messaging, and other forms of harmful online content. Given the fine line between combating such content and infringing on free speech, it is crucial to inform the public of strong ethical and security principles VIGILANT adheres to.

Law enforcement agencies, such as Mossos d'Esquadra, are indispensable for VIGILANT, as its core mission is to equip police authorities with the tools and knowledge necessary to investigate disinformation campaigns leading to criminal activities. Their involvement also underscores the project's commitment to promoting collaboration between law enforcement agencies, researchers, and tech experts fostering a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges posed by disinformation.

Given the increasing range of online activities by malign actors and their inventiveness, the response from law enforcement authorities and their partners must be comprehensive, dynamic, and consistently innovative. The VIGILANTproject aims to contribute to this by providing law enforcement agencies withthe technology, expertise, and network they need to effectively and promptlyaddress malign online activities and their perpetrators. This ensures that theyremain ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of digital crime.

If you are a police authority, you can join the project by becoming a part of our Community of Early Adopters. Read more here.