Workshop at the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum

To further enhance the engagement with police authorities and public officials and expand the Community of Early Adopters, consortium partners organised a workshop at the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum, one of the largest policy conferences organised in Europe.

The workshop, titled "Countering Illegal Disinformation", focused on presenting the VIGILANT project, its key features and added value for the public sector, as well as exploring strategies aimed at bolstering the effectiveness and immediacy of policing efforts against the pervasive threat of online malign content.

The roundtable  brought together a diverse array of participants, from across Europe, US and Canada who discussed potential ethical and privacy issues related to platforms and tools and remedies on countering them.

As the digital landscape witnesses an alarming surge disinformation and harmful content leading to criminal activities, including extremism, terrorism, serious fraud and other content endangering health and safety of citizens, and undermining the pillars of democracy and public order. The complexities entailed in monitoring and analysing such content require intense and in-depth discussions across a range of disciplines. The VIGILANT project takes all these issues into consideration and puts a strong emphasis on ethics and privacy standards, with a specific work package dedicated to ethics and an expert external ethics advisory board.

"The VIGILANT project puts a strong emphasis on ethics and privacy standards."

As VIGILANT does not only offer a tool, but also a platform for experts from various fields and disciples to exchange the know-how and bets practices, the workshop was organised with this aim in mind. Besides generating new ideas and possible solutions to make analysis and investigation of content leading to criminal activities easier and secure, it boosted new contacts and fostered relationship-building between relevant actors.